Arabic Keyboard
The Arabic Keyboard (لوحة المفاتيح العربية) also know as clavier arabe is an online service that helps people to type their texts in Arabic language without having a physical dedicated keyboard. This service is also known as the Virtual Arabic Keyboard. According to Wikipedia, the arabic keyboard is a standard keyboard that contains Latin and Arabic letters. For example, if you type on your keyboard the letter "b" you will see in the screen the letter "ب". For more information, we recommand reading the complete guide to use the arabic keyboard online in this link.
Arabic keyboard users
- Morocco: the largest number of Arabic keyboard users come from Morocco
- France: France is placed in the second position for research arab clavi

Arabic Keyboard in Pictures
Some physical arabic keyboard. The buttons of the hardware contains arabic and Latin characters.Photos de claviers physiques : Les touches des claviers arabes physiques contiennent à la fois un caractère arabe et un caractère latin.

Some Picture for virtual arabic keyboard : These keyboard are only available online and try to reproduce the real keyboard. The are some examples :

Arabic Language
The Arabic Alphabet :
According to wikipedia, the arabic alphabet is composed with 28 letters. This alphabet is know as "Abjad".
This table shows all the letters:
- The first column (Black) contains the original character as written in Arabic
- The second column (red) contains the transliteration of the Arabic letter. These rules are used in virtual keyboards Arabic technologies.
- The third column of the table (green) is used to read the pronunciation. For example Alif, Mim and Ya.
Common rules for the conversion of Arabic characters
Arabic Numbers
Every arabic number has its own equivalent in the virtual keyboard. The table below shows the standard transliteration for arabic numbers.
Chiffre arabe |
٠ |
١ |
٢ |
٣ |
٤ |
٥ |
٦ |
٧ |
٨ |
٩ |
Chiffre latin |
0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
Special characters
Several unofficial conventions exist for typing special characters using virtual keyboards Arabic. Here are the most common:
Caractère |
ٱ |
أ |
إ |
آ |
ء |
ئ |
ؤ |
ى |
ة |
لا |
Lexilogos |
-a |
a-- |
aa |
- |
y-- |
w-- |
Y |
h' |
la |
Other common rule |
a' |
I |
2 |
ee |
'o |
H |
the vowels : chadda, soukoun...
ّ |
ّ |
ُ |
َ |
ِ |
ٌ |
ً |
ٍ |
Other characters in the arab clavi used for arabic language.
These letters are not officially recognized in the arabic language but steel very used in north africa : Algerie, Tunisia and Morocco.
Character |
ڨ |
ڭ |
پ |
ڢ |
ڤ |
چ |
Lexilogos |
q' |
k' |
p ou b' |
v |
f' |
c ou j' |
Ponctuation and other characters
، |
؛ |
؟ |
ـ |
٫ |
٪ |
Online service for arabic dedicated keyboards
Many website offer the service for typing in Arabic using online software. This software is composed with two piece :
The text area where you will start typing
A virtual keyboard that contains Arabic characters and their equivalent in Latin. In this list, you will find some online website :
- The most know arabic keyboard : /lexilogos and the official website.
- Yamli, the smart arabic keyboard. Available in this link and in the official website.